High-quality communication across linguistic and cultural communities in Canada

founded in 1970
and is the successor of the Society of Translators and Interpreters of Canada (STIC), which was incorporated in 1956. It is now a federation of seven provincial bodies, one of which, the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario (ATIO), is a founding member.
Translators are professional communicators who transpose a written text from one language into another and convey its content as faithfully as possible.
Interpreters are professional communicators who orally transmit usually spoken messages from one language to another.
Terminologists are professionals specializing in terminological research, which includes gathering, analyzing and recording information on one or more concepts.
While CTTIC administers the certification exam process for its Member Societies, the power to certify translators, terminologists and interpreters is a provincial jurisdiction and CTTIC does not itself grant certification. Various types of certification in the Language Professions are granted by CTTIC’s Member Societies.
Member Societies
CTTIC represents seven Member Societies and administers the certification exam process for its members. If you would like to contact your provincial society or enquire about its certification process, please consult the full list of CTTIC’s Member Societies.